Beijing Memo/ 北京街头 ( Ongoing Project / 进行中)
This project started from the summer of 2016. As the progression of gentrification and street cleansing policy tightens , these moments might disappear soon.
Medium / 媒介 :
Archival Pigment Print / 收藏级微喷
Location / 地址 :
Beijing , China / 中国,北京
Date / 日期 :
2016- Present / 2016-当下

As He Lay Dying / 弥留之际
The Project started in the summer of 2017, 6 months prior to my grandpa(mother’s side)'s death . He had mulpitle critical health condition , our family acknoledged the fact of his decay, so we made those picture for memory's sake.
The memorial is to pay respect and memberence on the third year of his passing. The ritual is to first bring his spirit home, then family members eat together, pay their respect and walk his spirit back to his grave.
At last, we burn the plastic gifts so he can recieved it in heaven
项目始于2019年,于姥爷去世的前半年。 他已身患数疾,我们都知道他时日无多,便拍摄照片作为纪念
仪式为祭日三年之期的祭奠, 亲戚们来悼念,一起从墓地起灵, 回家吃饭,祭拜,后一起送灵。
Medium / 媒介 :
Archival Pigment Print / 收藏级微喷
location / 地址 :
PingLiang, Gansu Province , China / 中国 ,甘肃平凉
Date / 日期 :
2017 - 2020

Forgotten Dream of Beijing / 北京遗梦
Forgotten Dream of Beijing it's the embodiment of my belongingnessof Beijing.
I was Born in Beijing , went to boarding school since I was little. The High school in vancouver and university in New York, noneof these
places gave me a sense of home . But after a gap year staying in Beijing during Covid, I have felt some belongingness . Forgotten Dream it's a two part projecct , the first half it's about the fading memory of my summer crush in Beijing after I returned to New York.
The second half it's about how asian parents likes to use cut fruit as expression of love rather than using words. I prepared some fresh fruits for my audiences , hoping they would feel the warmth while viewing the work.
北京遗梦是我对于北京的归属感具象化的产物。 我在北京长大, 从小就开s始寄宿,到高中出国温哥华,大学出国纽约, 这些地方都没带给我归属感。
但是疫情这一年gap year在国内让我有机会找到了一些“家”的感觉。 北京
遗梦是由两部分组成, 一部分是回到纽约后对于在北京时约会对象的记忆
我也为观众准备好了水果,希望他们也可以 坐下来边看作品便感受一些
Medium / 媒介 :
Photo installation made with Translucent film , archival pigment
print , table, chair, plate and fresh fruit / 摄影装置, 由胶片,收藏
Location / 地址:
SVA Photography Building , 2nd floor (214 E 21st,
New York , NY, 10010) / 纽约视觉艺术学院摄影楼2楼
Date / 日期:
December, 2022 / 2022年12月

Sentimental Wave/ 绪浪
Sentimental Wave explores the subjective experience of memory and time. In this body of work, I delve into my sensations of deja vu. I've been having emotions that resurfaced in my consciousness: from feelings of loneliness and melancholy to joy and tranquility.
They come to me like waves, and I spontaneously create an image based on deja vus. I made those fragments of my past into an accordion book, with writings on the back of every image in chronological order. The writings are the description of the memories and the images are visual responses to that memory. Through the process of making this book, I have created a new past that exists parallel to my actual past.
《绪浪》是一本手工自制的手风琴折页书, 是我大学最后一年期间的作品。 这段时间总是有些情绪在意识中闪现,每次情绪涌出时制作一张照片。 照片的内容总是和触发这个情绪的回忆不完全相同,却有相似之处。 将所有的照片整理到一起,照片在正面,文字在背面,这些片段一起构成成一本平行于真实过去的回忆录。
Medium / 媒介:
Archival Pigment Print (Accordian Book ) / 收藏级微喷(手风琴折页
Location / 地址:
New York , NY , USA . Exhibited in the SVA mentor show at SVA Chelsea Gallery / 美国纽约 , 展出于纽约视觉艺术学院Mentor Show, 纽约视觉艺术学院切尔西画廊
Date / 日期:

American Frontier / 西部拓荒 ( 进行中/ On-going)
Medium / 媒介 :
Salt Print (scanned)made from videogame ingame-capture / 游戏内截图制作而成的盐印 (扫描版)
Utah&Arizona US , Wild west of USA in game and AI generation of the wild west. / 美国犹他州和亚利桑那州, 游戏中的美国西部还有AI生成的美国西部