As He Lay Dying / 弥留之际
The Project started in the summer of 2017, 6 months prior to my grandpa(mother’s side)'s death . He had mulpitle critical health condition , our family acknoledged the fact of his decay, so we made those picture for memory's sake.
The memorial is to pay respect and memberence on the third year of his passing. The ritual is to first bring his spirit home, then family members eat together, pay their respect and walk his spirit back to his grave.
At last, we burn the plastic gifts so he can recieved it in heaven
项目始于2019年,于姥爷去世的前半年。 他已身患数疾,我们都知道他时日无多,便拍摄照片作为纪念
仪式为祭日三年之期的祭奠, 亲戚们来悼念,一起从墓地起灵, 回家吃饭,祭拜,后一起送灵。
Medium / 媒介 :
Archival Pigment Print / 收藏级微喷
location / 地址 :
PingLiang, Gansu Province , China / 中国 ,甘肃平凉
Date / 日期 :
2017 - 2020